Sunday, 19 June 2016

"Outside the doors of angel awaits."

Sometimes, in striving to do our best, we become so obsessed with work or study that we forget we are spiritual beings in human form. Our journey is to bring knowledge gained into our spiritual life and our spirituality into everyday life. We become so wrapped up in our personal agenda that we often forget that life is not meant to be difficult. Challenging, perhaps, but smoother than most of us realize. Ask Archangel Gabriel and God's Angels of Wisdom to guide you with love back on to your spiritual path.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Angels don't always blow their own trumpets - the noise would be deafening!

There is no need to list all the wonderful things that angels do. Similarly, there is no need to tell the world how wonderful you are when you do something wonderful for someone else. Spontaneous acts of kindness need no fanfare. The person receiving your generosity of spirit knows what you have done, as do the angels. Nothing is missed.
Archangel Metatron and the Recording Angels collect every thought and action in the Akashic Records - that cosmic storehouse of doers and deeds. When you do something wonderful, Metatron takes note. Yet keep in mind that the kindest acts are those we do without expecting recognition.

Advice from Angels